Welcome to Edna Christian Academy,
and thank you for your interest in a sound education from an accredited school of academic excellence.
Admissions to ECA is relatively simple: you may down load the forms, fill them out completely, and then
bring them to the school Monday through Thursday during school hours, 8:00am to 3:30 pm. From
there, an interview with administration and faculty will be arranged. All students will be screened;
meaning the previous school of attendance will be contacted and meetings with the principle,
counselor, and/or teacher will take place. ECA wishes to help any student to excel during their
educational career. However, let it be known, ECA is not a reform school. Rather, it is a school for the
industrious and self-driven student to excel and possibly enter into college courses do to arrangements
with local colleges or early graduation. The big “plus” is all this transpires in a Christian atmosphere.
We are strict in the event that vulgarity, lewdness, or any activity not conforming to Biblical Christian
standards will not be tolerated. ECA is a Christian school, teaching Christian ethics, morals, principles,
and manners. Let it be known, we believe in what we do and the results proven over the years.
We look forward to meeting parents and students who share the beliefs and values of the
greatest book ever printed, the Bible, and who are willing to sacrifice the time, money, and effort to
provide the best for their students in educational standards, and showing a desire for the best.
May God Bless!
Because of Calvary, I remain
Rev. Darrell E. Clark, Jr. MAIS

To request more information:
Contact the Admissions Office
Mon-Fri 8am - 4pm
You can also request more information with this form: