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Ms. Kimberly Kazmir - Secretary/Treasurer


Documentation of Educational Statistics 

Edna High School Edna, TX 

- President of Science Club 

- Secretary of Band Club 

- Member of Future Homemakers of America

- Vocational Office Education

- Student training program at Jackson Electric Coop 

- Member of Future Teachers of America 

Victoria Junior College Victoria, TX
- Associates of Science Degree of Applied Science 1998

- Farm Bureau Scholarship in 1992

- Hewitt Endowment Scholarship in 1997 

- Certificate of Office Systems Technology 1998 

- Quickbooks in Continuing Education 1999 


Completed the Computer Training Course with School of Tomorrow Management System, Diagnostic Testing, Interactive Multimedia Courses, Readmaster, and Typemaster 2000


Attends ACE's Christian Educators Convention - Receiving Certificate of Completion - Annually


Accounting Clyde Kazmir Construction, Inc. 1996 - Present


ECA Secretary/Treasurer 1999 - Present

ECA has been a member of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce since 2003.

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